How to Get to Hong Kong Airport from Shenzhen

Shenzhen to Hong Kong Airport

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Updated September 7, 2019.

So you need to get from Shenzhen to Hong Kong Airport (HKG) and the options aren’t clear. We compiled a list of options with approximate costs/travel time/level of convenience.

Shenzhen to Hong Kong Airport
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This is a preferred method of many because of its speed (about 30 minutes from Shekou) and convenience (some airlines even allow you to check in your luggage before boarding). However, it can get quite expensive if there’s more than a couple of you. The adult tickets start at 274RMB and child (1-5 y.o.) tickets start at 177RMB. If you are planning to use the ferry on your return trip as well, booking a roundtrip ticket will save you money. However, it’s only valid for 3 months. When you exit the ferry in Hong Kong, there will be a booth that says “Tax Returns.” You can go there with your ferry ticket and get some of your money back. Keep in mind that the ferry doesn’t run 24/7. With its first departure being at 7.15am and the last one at 9pm, there are lots of flights it doesn’t accommodate.


SkyBus operates out of Huanggang checkpoint. You buy a ticket before crossing the border, get a sticker on your shirt, and as soon as you emerge on the other side, there are people waiting for you to take you to the van. You don’t need to get out to cross into Hong Kong. The drive is only about 20 minutes. The cost is 150RMB per adult. The cost of the child ticket is somewhat negotiable 🙂 This border crossing is open 24/7 which is very convenient for those early morning or late evening flights. Huanggang border shuttle bus is the option we personally like best.

SkyBus tickets
You get a ticket AND a sticker!


If you have no luggage, MTR may work for you. You cross the border at Futian checkpoint, hop on the MTR (Lok Ma Chau station) and go all the way to the airport. The trip will take about 90 minutes (from Lok Ma Chau) and requires 4 interchanges. The cost will be around 120HKD per adult (half price for a child).

MTR and Bus

Possibly the cheapest option to HKG is to hop on the MTR after crossing the Futian or Luohu border. Proceed for one stop to Sheung Shui. Then take the A43 bus to the airport. Fare is HK $30.9. You must have exact change or pay with an Octopus Card. This trip takes around 70 minutes.

Hired Van/Car

There are vans/cars for hire that can pick one up anywhere in Shenzhen and deliver straight to the airport in Hong Kong. Sometimes you don’t even need to get out of the car for the border crossing! This is very convenient but the cost is rather steep: about 700RMB per vehicle. Still, this is a brilliant way to do it if you have a lot of luggage and/or have friends interested in carpooling.


Like Huanggang checkpoint, Shenzhen Bay also has shuttle buses going to the airport. The ticket costs 150RMB and needs to be purchased before you cross the border. However, since this border doesn’t stay open around the clock, the timing will not work for everyone. Also, this is a rather popular checkpoint and it can get very crowded.


toddler at Hong Kong airport
Whichever option you choose, we hope you get to HKG with enough time to grab a coffee and watch the planes.


In fall 2018, an underground high-speed railway began service from Shenzhen to Hong Kong. It takes only 20 minutes to get from Shenzhen North railway station or 14 minutes from the Futian Railway Station (not to be confused with the border crossing) to West Kowloon Station. Tickets cost 75 RMB from Shenzhen North and 68 RMB from Futian Railway Station. Walk a kilometer or so to Kowloon Station, then take the Airport Express train. The Express departs regularly day and night and takes 24 minutes. Cost is around HKD $105 (Octopus Cards get a slight discount).

How Would You Choose to Get to Hong Kong Airport from Shenzhen?

Have you tried any of these ways of getting from Shenzhen to Hong Kong Airport? Which one is your favorite and why?

P.S. If you are looking for some free and cheap things to do in Hong Kong, check out this post.

For more about living in Shenzhen, check our our Life in China Series.


  1. Lauren Pears
    June 10, 2018

    Thanks for the advice! I think I will go for the metro 🙂

    1. Shon & Jenia
      June 15, 2018

      I love how everyone chooses different things 🙂

  2. Cindy
    June 10, 2018

    A lot of good options here. I had no idea it was so complicated, so this is very helpful to keep in mind. The ferry option sounds good to me.

    1. Shon & Jenia
      June 15, 2018

      We’d love to try it one day 🙂

  3. Mohana Das
    June 11, 2018

    Thanks for this informative post. I guess the ferry ride is awesome! Did you take the ferry? What’s the SkyBus? Is it a sort of monorail?

    1. Shon & Jenia
      June 12, 2018

      We’ve taken the ferry but not to the airport 🙂 Our flights never arrive or leave at the right time to do it. We’ve heard that it’s particularly nice view in the evening. The SkyBus is just a van, really. A monorail would be so much more exciting!!

  4. Dominic Gramatte
    June 11, 2018

    We love going to Hong Kong and often use it as a base when traveling around Asia. One of the things we were looking to do was take some trips to explore the surrounding areas – and obvs China is a great option. Haven’t heard of Shenzhen before but it seems pretty straight forward to travel between – so perhaps this is a nice option. Popular things to do there?

    1. Shon & Jenia
      June 12, 2018

      Shenzhen is right across the border! It’s fairly easy to get to and many nationalities that normally need a visa to visit China can get a 5-day “shopping visa” right at the border. As for popular things… there is some hiking, some dirt cheap Chinese food, some temples and Hakka villages, a nice botanical garden a bit outside of the city.

  5. Krupa
    June 12, 2018

    This is great post for the first timers. Cruise option looks interesting as personally i like cruise travelling. Great post and keep up the good work.

  6. Jennifer
    June 12, 2018

    These kind of posts are so helpful. Getting to and from airports can be the most stressful part of a trip. I always try to find a compromise between the cheapest and the easiest way of travelling to airports.

  7. Mel
    June 13, 2018

    It could be really confusing trying to travel from Shenzen to Hong Kong airport, but you’ve listed out all the options clearly, from Ferry to MRT with how each option would work and cost – so this is really helpful ! Thanks for sharing

    1. Shon & Jenia
      June 15, 2018

      Thank you, Mel! Our first time trying to figure this out was a bit of a pain so we wanted to help others navigate with ease!

  8. Anja
    June 13, 2018

    Unfortunately not, and I would love to visit Hong Kong one day! Arriving to the town by ferry sounds like my kind of transportation. 🙂 I love taking the ferry to my summer getaway, the island of Cres, Croatia- 20 minutes from the mainland and you’re on the most beautiful, peaceful island.

    1. Shon & Jenia
      June 15, 2018

      That sounds lovely! We haven’t seen Croatia’s coast, only Zagreb and Plitvice Lakes. Time for another trip, I guess!

  9. The Travel Bunny
    June 14, 2018

    This is very useful. And from what you’ve said, the Skybus seems the best option to me, too.

  10. SZ
    October 25, 2018

    you can get the metro from lo wu / luoho too doesnt necessarily have to be Futian as you stated in your post. Ferry can also be gotten from Fuyong to HKIA not jsut from shekou as you stated in your blog. and Skylimo car can also be gotten from SZBAY border not just buses. Please do your research more throughly.

    1. Shon & Jenia
      October 27, 2018

      Thank you for taking your time to comment! We add new information to this post as we come across it.

  11. Jarkko
    June 7, 2019

    Thank for this tip. It made my trip from hotel to HK airport easy. Skybus worked well. By taxi from hotel to Huanggang port (14 RMB), first purchase the ticket and after China inspection person was waiting and guided to Van.

    1. Shon & Jenia
      June 7, 2019

      So glad we could be of help! Thank you for letting us know 🙂


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