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Today’s postcard comes courtesy of Japan’s Hawaii: Okinawa. We took the kids, as usual, and traveled with a friend to explore this beautiful Japanese island three weeks ago. Here’s what would go on the back of this image, if it were a postcard:
It’s been a day of driving from our home base near Nago to Cape Hedo and back. We avoided highways and found ourselves driving as close as you can get to the water without actually being in it more than once. Cape Hedo doesn’t look as impressive in the pictures as it does in real life. Dramatic lava rock formations and vibrant green plants form cliffs that drop into the clear surf below. Turtle got in trouble with Jenia because he wasn’t listening to her, and although he thought he was careful enough on the jagged rocks and steep terrain, his mother did not. He ended up sitting in the car (with one of us nearby) while we took in the incredible landscape. Later we drove on one-lane roads to explore the hills further, all the while hoping to see a much-lauded Okinawa Rail. Unfortunately, our timing was wrong, and we never got to see one. The kids napped in the car as we drove a different route along the western coast and through the lush, mountainous Yambaru National Park to get home. Our long day ends with a sweet potato Frappuccino and sushi, which Turtle suggests. Let’s end it with this: Jenia says she would live here.
Wednesday postcards are brief, relaxed snippets from our time in a place we found remarkable. Other Wednesday Postcards include: Triesenberg, Portland, and Nong Khai.